The year is beginning and many of us are recapitulating on 2016 and thinking on what 2017 might bring. Last year, I saw many people around stressed out, it was a rough year for many of us. Other people walked around without the required energy for happiness. They are sad because some difficult events. Depressed due to the happenings in their lives or by unfulfilled expectations, wishes and desires. I cannot stop thinking what a shame, what a waste of the precious limited cosmic time we were given in this life
I really think few of us have the right to feel that way. Unless you have suffered a real life shock, severe trauma or have to face day by day deadly stress coming from violence, prosecution or hunger, you don’t have the right to feel like crap!
Feeling like crap is a decision
So no matter if you feel like crap, sad, depressed, stressed out. The important thing is to realize that it is you own decision. You have decided to feel like that. It is perfectly fine but just acknowledge it is your choice. Acting as a victim of you own decisions and events in your life will not take you too far and I cannot even imagine when real problems show up
Care for something higher
If you think about it, your problems are not that bad. You don’t believe me? Then run a reality check. Visit poor places, talk to violence victims or read about refugee’s challenges. After done that, probably you will realize you are doing quite well
So, the way out is to care for something bigger. It is very easy to loose perspective when you focus only on your self. It is also egocentric and selfish. Focus on something bigger like your family, your children if you have them. Other people’s children if you don’t have your own, your community, amongst many many others
Think of how many people in real need you can lead to a better life. How many lives you can save and how many smiles you can spark in 2017. Just by deciding it. Just by being a real warrior in this life you can become the heroine of your own life and why not the heroine in other people’s lives
Be a warrior
My only new year resolution is to be a warrior. A hardheaded smiling warrior. I am going to fight if needed, heal if hurt. I am going to stand up for my values and definitely I will not accept drama, sadness and low energies in my life
When sad and difficult events show up and for sure they will, I will accept them. I will understand the lesson behind, cry and cry and then move forward. That is exactly what I am going to do
Be a warrior just as our ancestors were. Honor them! Many of them had rough lives and faced incredibly difficult times and some even gave their lives for higher purposes, for us and our freedom!
I am going to be just like them! Convince as many people as you can to realize that your life is in your own hands
I am going to face 2017 with honor and bravery
2017 Bring it on!
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