5 Steps to take control of your life when you feel you are not controlling it, that your life is overfilled and you do not have the time to manifest a new life. When this happens life becomes a series of random events that happen to you. There are steps to take control of your life and create the life you want. You can apply these steps to find your own way to take control of your life.
The Process
The whole process to take control of your life and create a new life starts in you. It is your higher self who has a plan for you, well in reality there are many plans for you. These many paths are known as your potentials. By the Law of free will, at a certain moment in your life, you can choose to follow a specific path or not, to manifest a potential. If you decide not to follow a specific plan then the plan corrects itself to become another of your potentials. Your higher self is always looking for ways to express her plans and she creates the circumstances for events, people and potentials to happen. When you notice these potentials in your field, then it is up to you to materialize it. In other words every time you decide or not you are creating your reality.
Your world materializes depending on you, on who you are and on your vibration. It is a mixture of good things coming from your higher self and problems or negative situations coming from your fears. Love and fear showing up at the same time, at every moment for you to decide. It happens all the time, so the idea is to gain awareness and clarity on this mechanism and use it to your advantage. You can stop materializing the situations you do not like what we call bad things and keep materializing the good experiences your want in your life
5 Steps to take control of your life and create a new life
Take control
First, ACCEPT your current reality, whatever it is right now. Yes whatever! It is happening to you, it might be unbelievable but it is actually happening. Accepting a situation without judging it opens the door for positive change and creation of the new reality.
Second, BELIEVE that your current reality is showing up for your own good, your growth, your development. Somehow your higher self presented this circumstance, situation or person to you and you decided to get engaged. The current situation is the result from your elections and decisions or the lack of them and it is here to teach you something.
Probably this situation will move you into a better direction, show your that there is more for you and you need to dream bigger or change some limiting believes and behaviors. Good or bad do not exist (it is important that you really believe this!). Whatever comes to you now or down the road is always for your good even if it is painful or annoying. Everything is always working out for you even if it is in disguise.
Third, UNDERSTAND the situation with an open mind and heart. Is this a pattern in your life? like abusive relationships, lack of financial resources, something you fear that keeps showing up or may was it something you desire? Ask yourself these 2 questions: 1. How did you create it? (yes you did it! or at least you co-created it). 2. What are you learning from it?.
Create a new life
Fourth, FLOW by being thankful for the lessons of your current life and its circumstances. Ask for upper guidance by just saying with open heart like talking to a friend: “Hey Ancestors, Masters and Guides this is showing up in my life and I have no idea what to do about it, any ideas?. Please show me the way with clear signals”. Sooner than later ideas will flow to you, people or events, open your mind and eyes. It is my promise to you, you will be heard if you ask for guidance with faith, you will always be heard.
Fifth, START planning the life you want to create using the new ideas flowing to you. May be you realize you need to change your career or it is time to walk away from some people, behaviors or places. Focus on what you want to materialize, on your new creation, on your new level: EXTRAORDINARY & WILD & GREAT! Things you do not want to experience will fade away with your lack of attention. But please just start! start now, a small change is a big change. Once you start you will immediately put yourself in another mood, another vibe, another frequency.
A better life is waiting for you. Go get it!
To summarize before letting the fear and anger triumphs, these are the 5 steps to take control of your life: 1. Accept -yes it is happening to me, 2. Believe -It happens for a greater good, 2. Understand -How did I create it? and What is the lesson?, 4. Flow -Ask for guidance and 5.Start – Create a system to plan your new life. Be systematic and disciplined. Have a system of strategies to gain focus and clarity on the life you really want. You get what you focus on.
Once you are on the fifth step, You can radically transform your life with a series of strategies to manifest the life you want. That’s why I wrote: «The busy woman’s guide to create the life you want»– to give you the exact tools and practical strategies to change anything about your life.
The book helps you to take control of your life and create the life you want by helping you to manage your energy and time (you need them to create your new life), set boundaries, discover your values (those core believes that explain your purpose and dreams), write a vision (you need a vision for your Life!) and to finally have a Life Plan (with a template inside to do so). I am sure you will like it and find it practical, insightful and easy to follow.
Go Get it Faster!
Women tend to complain they do not have the job, the money, the man or the money. When you look at their lives they have not put any effort, time, energy, or even a small investment on improving key areas of their lives. Then, as an obvious result, there is no progress. To progress to major leagues you have to become a major league player. As simple as that.
If you feel you want to progress faster, please book a discovery call to walk you through the book strategies to take control of your life and create the life you want.With the book purchase you get a 30 min free discovery call.
Enjoy the creation process of the life you want.
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