Big Girls don’t cry. I know it is a song by Fergie but at the same time is a powerful message when you realize you have other more inspiring options. Big girls don cry, they take action to create the life they want. I know you worry and complain about not having the career, the money, the body or the man. My purpose is to make you realize that taking control of your life, manifest positive change and stand out is easier than you think. To start manifesting a new life, all you need is a life guide to take you through the process, inspire you and help you organize your thoughts and gain clarity on the type of life you want. That’s why I want to tell you about this life guide: The Unicorn life guide. Big Girls don’t cry, instead create the life you want.
As a big girl I used to cry as I was not living the life of my dreams. I was lost!. For years I wandered and paid coaches, traveled, studied and spent time, energy and money trying to find my way. Finally I found a series of steps to take control of my life, create the life I want and experience magic. I have also witnessed these changes in other girls who have made the effort and followed a process to manifest the life they want. Seeing these girls resolution to not cry but rather to act inspired me to write this Unicorn life guide: «The Busy Woman’s Guide to create the Life you want: Practical steps to take control of your life, manifest change and stand out as a Unicorn».
Big girls don’t cry they start by taking control
The process to create the life you want and stand out as a Unicorn starts with self-awareness. Any process, idea or change, cannot be created it if you are not aware of it. Awareness is clarity about the reason why and the necessity behind a specific dream. Having laser focus clarity is a basic condition for manifestation. Developing awareness is rather simple as it only requires time with yourself: thinking, imagining, re-imagining, writing and drawing your dreams, organizing your thoughts, deciding on a Life Vision and putting in place your Life Plan. Unfortunately many women lack this level of clarity.
Through the process I understood I was spreading myself thin, not managing my time and energy, my life was cluttered with bad feelings, wrong beliefs and dozens of shoes. I had no personal boundaries and as a result, I experienced unfair relationships. I did not know what my Values were. Let alone having a Life Vision and not even mention a Life Plan! Self-awareness basics you really need to know about yourself to take control of your life, manifest change and create the life you want.
Create the life you want: The steps
Big girls don’t cry, they create the life they want. To start the process you need to shift FROM complaining about not having TO creating what you want. Forget about what you do not have! it does not exist anyway. Focus on what you want! This is a game changer my fellow big girl. Once you are ready to shift your attention you are ready to set in motion a process to get what you want.
Integrate the fact that you were not bornt to fit in. You were bornt to stand out just as a Unicorn. Here is a summary of the life strategies included in the Unicorn Book for big girls.
The steps one by one
- Manage your resources. Direct your attention, time and energy into your dreams. Nothing matters more. Otherwise achieving anything will be harder
- Say No. Be more strategic, slow down and say NO more often. This is one of the achievers secrets
- Know what matters. Discover your Values i.e. truths about yourself, responsible for your behavior and satisfaction. Celebrate them and your authenticity shines, your confidence roars, your life expands. This is the power of congruence. Do your self a favor and discover your Personal Values
- Focus on few. Your life has many areas, you can not change all of them at once. Decide: Are you career & money girl? or Partner & family oriented?. Be clear on this one. Develop some areas and move on to new ones. Make sure you stand out for something in life, do not be everything for everyone. Be like a Unicorn
- Life Vision. Every successful project has a vision. Your greatest project is your life and it needs a unique & inspiring vision to move you in the right direction. If you don’t know where to go, how are YOU gonna get there?
- Roll baby Roll: The world belongs to the ones who are brave enough to take action and show up. Gal, It is time to show up for yourself!
- Partner with The Source. It is easier to navigate life by co-creating with the Source and her Laws. The Law of Attraction or the Law of Saturation can make wonders in your life, you need to understand them as you understand the Law of Gravitation
- Have a Life Plan. Time to pull together your dreams and thoughts into your a Plan to focus on specific strategies to manifest the life you want, be extraordinary and stand out like a Unicorn.
Read again the steps in the Unicorn Book for big girls and design your own process. Use the order I propose or combine the steps with another piece of wisdom or technique you use. Make the process yours.
Follow and journal the steps. Reflect on them. Gain clarity. Build congruence. You will feel better in the first month, see results in the next 3 to 6 months and experience radical changes in less than one year. The more you practice the steps and engage with manifesting your better life, the faster you will see changes.
For the detailed description of each step, tools, templates, resources to support the creation process read the Life Guide online.
Remember: Big girls don’t cry they have the commitment to create the life they want, Big girls don’t cry they stop complaining and accepting a mediocre life and start creating the life you want. Big girls don’t cry they faith in themselves and no matter how life looks right now, they take control, manifest positive change, create the life they want and stand out like a Unicorn.
«It’s time to be a big girl now and big girls don’t cry. Don’t cry»
Claudia N
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