I am a big fan of feedback, I consider it a gift even when it is hard, I appreciate the people capable of telling their thoughts. They are like mirrors to look at where you normally dont. By receiving feedback and reflecting upon it you can become a better person, a better leader, a better spouse, a better friend
However most of the feedback goes on what you need to improve, things you normally don’t do and people are expecting you to, the famous weaknesses. Your friends, couple, colleagues or boss will tell you the where’s and how’s to improve, what you have to start doing to be perceived in a way or to achieve a particular goal. What to stop doing and yes what to continue doing. However, the majority of the feedback is on your weak sides
If you think about it (feedback)
What are your chances when you improve your weakest sides? Well, if you are lucky and disciplined you will become average and at risk of loosing part of your authenticity since you will start doing and acting in ways not natural to you
Now lets have another approach, instead of focusing on your weaknesses, work on taking your strengths to the next level, activities and behaviours that go with you, you are best when performing them or behaving in those ways, they energise you, you feel good. Imagine if you take your strengths to a level that they become powers even super powers. Now you can become extraordinary!
So in your way to becoming a super You, you have to first know what your strengths are. Pay close attention to those things, situations, behaviours when you feel at your best, may be you are good listener, you like adventures, you are persistent, you bring joy to others, you like attention (yes this can be a strength too!). You can also ask people who knows you best or take a strengthfinder test to find out. I have tested myself using different strengthsfinders online or in books and I recommend the R2 profiler. It is excellent and you can get it online
Once you have clarity on your strengths, identify how to take them to another level by using them more, by talking to different people, by helping others or in many more other ways and commit to it! You can become memorable and extraordinary by your strengths not your weaknesses
A sure way to becoming the best of yourself
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