Recently I travelled to Bogotá and ended up attending by chance, as it usually happens, a session of a group called New Humanity, they are working on spreading wisdom to help people evolve into better humans. The speaker has been a coach and a writer for several years, she explained to us the 3&7 Law, a spiritual law that serves us in deciding whether to keep trying or letting something/somebody go
Spiritual law
This law states that you should not let go a project, goal or whatever you are after if you haven’t tried at least 3 times. That’s what the number three means in this Law. If you let it go before that number of times (3) happens you might be inconstant and close to achieving something without even noticing
The seven
The seven indicates that if you have already tried seven times and it is not happening, may be it wont happen, at least not for now, so it is best to forget about it and let it go. If after seven times you keep insisting you might be stubborn, and you should accept the outcome and reflect on why this particular need or want is not materialising instead of continue pursuing it using the same methods that have proved ineffective
Seven might seem as a huge number, it is indeed! and you don’t really have to try 7 times everything. The idea behind this law is that you learn to read the signs life is sending you. By reading your surroundings, the environment, the people, events and situations you can develop a particular skill that very experienced people show in their fields of expertise
To this I refer to the fireman that sees the building falling apart before it happens and shouts: “Everybody OUT of here NOW!!» saving many lives. Or the experienced driver that for no particular reason decides to stop only to realise he would have crushed otherwise. That kind of skill!
The information needed to understand at every moment what our best choices are, that knowledge is there for us. We only have to train our minds and refine our perception to see and read these signals. Life is always telling us our best chances, sending signals, speaking to us, warning or on the contrary encouraging us to continue. Learn to observe, read the signals to decide whether it is time to let it go or keep trying
Life will flow easily if you don’t go against the laws that govern our reality
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