The three Brains. Co-create with them

the three brains

Your brain allows you to think, to execute, to function and in general to live. In reality you do not have only one brain but three brains. A model proposed by neuroscientist Paul D. MacLean as part of The Triune Evolution Theory of Human Brain. Understanding how the three brains work can not only improve your neurological abilities but also give you a wider perspective on the reality that surrounds you and help you in the process of materialization.

Our brains are incredibly complex, may be the most complex creation in humankind. With the purpose of simplification we will focus on the 3 levels that compose it or the three brains . These are: the Neocortex, the Limbic System and the Reptilian brain. These three levels behave like stairs, you can move up and down from one level of your brain to another. This is very important as the ability of moving up and down gives you access to the particular capabilities and knowledge of each layer.

The three Brains

The first layer is the Neocortex. This section contains the left and right hemispheres we all know about. It is in charge of language, rational thinking, creativity and meaning. It is home of the frontal lobe which is the epitome of human thinking.

The second layer is the Limbic System. It governs the senses, emotions and motivation. In this level you feel and empathize with others and is the layer responsible for the connection with higher purposes. Extra sensorial aptitudes also reside here.

Finally we have the famous reptilian brain or also known as the primal or neomammalian brain. It controls your instincts like the survival instinct and the fight or flight reactions. It is in charge of body functions such as: temperature, equilibrium and heart rate. Both the cerebelum and the stem reside in this section.

Your three Brains work like One

The three brains work like one, in a series of complex process going form the basics of the reptilian, the emotion of the limbic and the thinking of the neocortex. Let me give you an example:  Imagine you are in a room and someone enters. You immediately notice the presence of a person near you even without seeing her. This is your body sending info via the spine to the reptilian, now you are conscious and aware of this person next to you. Then the limbic brain attaches a feeling to the experience in this case the new person next to you allowing you to decide if it is a friendly presence or  a thread. Finally the neocortex pulls together the whole experience and gives a meaning to the encounter.

Now, it becomes interesting. It happens that you can move up and down the 3 brains to enter in contact with each areas. For example: if you are not sure about whether to trust someone or not, you might want to check with your reptile brain. What body sensation and reaction did you get when you first meet this person?. Do you want to stay close to her or feel like you body wants to escape ?.

You can keep digging deeper by asking your Limbic Brain about the emotions this person makes you feel. Sometimes we meet people and we feel like celebrating, hooray! Other times we meet people and we feel a heaviness we cannot explain. Finally check with your neocortex how would you describe the overall experience regarding this person and let the neocortex answers with a deep conclusion. Such as: you dont like this person because it is showing a part of yourself you need to heal. This is the power of the neocortex

Materializing with the three brains

In life everything start with a though. Something you want to experience for instance a new relationship, a basic reptilian instinct that wants you to reproduce. You devote interest to this idea, it is an image in your brain. The more attention you pay to this idea the more real it becomes in your brain.

When it becomes too real you can feel it then it is the time to put your midbrain to work by accessing your feelings and sensation regarding this relationship. How would you feel with the relationship?  goosebumps or fear?. Your midbrain gives you clues to understand if this desire is what you really need. Go deeper in feeling the feelings. Finally use your neocortex to give a holistic meaning to this idea of being in a relationship.

Visualizing ideals with the three brains is like an engine start for materialization. Just remember that any materialization comes out of who you are. If you are not materializing your desires, check what are you desiring. Sometimes you need to do some work or you are materializing out of fear or greed. In our example you might get the insight form the neocortex that before getting into a new relationship you first need to heal the relationship with yourself

When materializing thrive to be more first and not to have more. When you become more you will have more. It sounds simple, and you might think it is not. Materialization is a process, give yourself time and use the power of your brains. If you are correspondent to the desired experience you will see it soon manifested in your life

For additional info I recommend you to see the videos of Dr. Joe Dispenza and Penney Pierce

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